13 July 2014

Onion Gravy

1 Large onion Chopped
1 Medium Green Pepper Sliced
1 Tablespoon Worchester Sauce
2 Teaspoons Mustard Powder
2 Tablespoons Brown Onion Soup
½ Teaspoon BBQ Spice
½ Teaspoon Portuguese Chicken Spice
Salt and Pepper to taste
¾ Cup Boiling Water
Sunflower Oil for frying

Heat oil in a pan and fry onions until soft
Add green pepper to pan turn down heat
In the meantime  mix the worchester sauce, mustard and brown onion soup until a paste in a large mug
Add the other spices and boiling water to the worchester sauce mix and mix well
Add worchester sauce mix to pan
Bring gravy to boil and let it simmer, stirring frequently
Adjust seasoning if you want to and serve

Copy Cat KFC Chicken

Batter Dip:

½  Cup Milk
1 Beaten Egg

Flour Mix:

1 Cup Flour
1 Teaspoon Salt
1 Teaspoon Black Pepper
1 Teaspoon Brown Onion Powder Seasoning
1 Teaspoon Garlic Salt Seasoning
1 Teaspoon Portuguese Spice
1 Teaspoon Origanium
1 Teaspoon Paprika

Chicken Mix:

Chicken Stock Cube
1 Chopped Onion
Salt and Pepper to taste

Parboil chicken with stock cube, onions, salt and pepper in enough water on stove
Drain and let it cool down

Mix flour and spices together in a bowl

Mix egg and milk together in another bowl

Dip chicken in egg mix, then in flour mix
Dip chicken again in egg mix then flour mix

Deep fry at 160° Celsius



½ Cup Mayonnaise
½ Cup Milk
⅓ Cup Sugar
2½ Tablespoons Lemon Juice
1½ Tablespoons White Grape Vinegar
½ Teaspoon Salt
Dash of Black Pepper


1 Cabbage Head Chopped Finely
1 Medium Carrot Chopped Finely
2 Tablespoons of Minced Onion

Combine all ingredients for dressing and whisk well
Combine all ingredients for slaw and mix well
Pour dressing over slaw and mix well
Refrigerate for a few hours allowing the slaw to soak up the dressing marinade

10 April 2011

Braai Bread Without Yeast

Braai Bread
This is a nice side dish to accompany any braaivleis. Braaivleis (Braai for short) is basic the South African word for barbeque. Cooking meat over an open fire.

2 Cups of Flour
1 Teaspoon of Salt
1 Teaspoon of Bicarbonate of Soda
½ Teaspoon of Cream of Tartar
5 Tablespoons of Margarine or Butter
1 Tablespoon of Water

Crashed Garlic
Mixed Herbs
Grinded Coarse Salt
Grinded Black Pepper
Chopped Onion and Tomato
Grated Cheese

Sift dry ingredients together.
Rub margarine/butter into mixture until it looks like breadcrumbs.
Add water to flour mixture until a soft dough.

Roll the dough out on a floured covered plate until roundabout ½ centimetre thick.
Cut it in rectangular shape.
Rub with crushed garlic, salt, pepper and mixed herbs.
Place chopped onion and tomato on one half of each cut piece of dough.
Sprinkle cheese over and fold close.

Ready to put on the braaivleis fire.
Braai each side until golden brown.

Esta bom. Enjoy!

07 April 2011

Vetkoek Without Yeast

Vetkoek, pronounced fet-cook, is a dough deep-fried in cooking oil. It can be filled with jam, syrup, honey, cheese or cooked mince.

2 Cups of Flour
3 Teaspoons of Baking Powder
1/2 Teaspoon of Salt
300 ml Milk
Sunflower oil for frying

Sift the flour, baking powder and the salt together.
Warm up the milk for 1 (one) minute in the microwave.
Make a well in the dry ingredients and add the milk. Mix with a knife until the dry ingredients absorbed the milk.
Ladle level spoonfuls into the hot oil until golden brown.
Remove from oil and put on a paper towel to absorb the access oil.

Esta bom. Enjoy with a filling of your choice.

09 October 2010

Easy Fudge Recipe

When making fudge you do not look so much at the clock, you are looking at the colour of the mix on the stove. This is quite an easy recipe, preparation time is round-about 15 minutes.

1 can Full Cream Sweetened Condensed Milk (385 g)
25 ml Golden Syrup
125 g Margarine or Butter
185 ml Milk
5 ml Vanilla
5 cups White Sugar

Mix margarine, milk, sugar and syrup together in a large pot.
Boil for 3 minutes.
Add the can of Condensed Milk while stirring for 10-15 minutes.
Or have a look at the mixture, it must turn light brown and becomes thickish.
Remove from the stove.
Add the Vanilla and beat for 5 minutes.
Pour into a greased pan and wait for it to cool down.
Cut it into square before it is completely set.


23 September 2010

Curry Beans Atjar

Curry Beans
Curry Beans, my mouth is already watering. This is a personal favourite.

In South Africa we make different types of Atjars. This one I love. Since tomorrow is National Braai Day in South Africa, this is one side dish that will be served. It is scrumptious with braaivleis.

2 kg Cut Beans into 2.5 cm pieces
500 g Cut Carrots into 2.5 cm pieces
25 ml Turmeric
25 ml Mild Curry Powder
50 ml Maizena Corn Flour
25 ml Mustard Powder
500 g Chopped Onions
420 g Preserved Sliced Peaches
750 ml Sugar
1.2 l White Grape Vinegar
10 ml Salt

Boil the onions and beans in lightly salted water until done but crisp. Drain it.
Heat the remaining ingredients in a large pot.
Stir the mixture until the sugar has dissolved.
Simmer until thick and done.
Spoon it into sterilised glass jars.
Seal tightly.
Store in a cool, dark place.

Refrigerate after opening a jar.

Serving Suggestion:
Absolutely fantastic as a side dish with some braaivleis and even on toast, or whatever you fancy.
Enjoy :-)